Self Storage Auctions

There is a great money-making prospect out there, and you probably pass by it everyday. In non-descript complexes that dot roadways across America, we store millions of square feet of items in self storage facilities. But what happens when the bill doesn’t get paid? The stuff, usually everything in the unit at the same time, gets sold at auction to the highest bidder.

If you’ve viewed the shows Auction Hunters or Storage Wars, both of which feature storage auctions in California, you’ve seen the types of great treasures that can come out of self storage auctions. Eric Quinn, creator of the thorough e-book Storage Auction School, was able to leave his day job and pay off his financial obligations within a year of getting into the storage auction business.

You could literally find anything in self storage auctions, from valuable antiques, gadgets, rifles and collectors’ items. One of the stars of Storage Wars not too long ago remarked about his find of over $100,000 worth of comic books in a self storage auction.
And how much does the usual room go for in a self storage auction? $200-$300, with some units going for as little as $10.

While there are great yields that can be earned, you need to know what you’re doing to obtain storage auction results.There is a lot to be uncovered through the experience of learning from your errors. If you prefer to get away from some errors you can always
take advantage of the experience of others by reading some of the amazing e-books offered on the matter. The very best on the subject is probably Eric Quinn’s Storage Auction School which is absolutely jam-packed with material. His book covers how to search for storage auctions, what to take with you, things to be on the lookout for when bidding on a unit, and how to easily sell what you buy and make some money. His book also includes three months of coaching to guide you on your voyage to storage auction
fortune step-by-step.

I wish you best of luck! in your self storage auction adventures!

February 26, 2012 - Posted by | Tips

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